How to Maintain Peak Performance

Athletes who train in hot and humid conditions, whether it’s outside or in a gym, and don’t properly replace their fluids run the risk of dehydration. Because dehydration can take a serious toll on performance, it’s important for athletes to know how to get plenty of fluid:

 1) Remember fluids throughout the day. This may be as simple as grabbing a sports drink first thing in the morning, then using fountains, coolers, and cafeteria beverages as triggers for drinking throughout the day.

2) Hydrate 2 to 3 hours before practices and competitions. Athletes should aim for at least 16 ounces of fluid at this time and an additional 8 ounces 10 to 20 minutes prior to getting into competitions.

3) Drink during workouts or competitions. Sports drinks, like Gatorade, can help ward off dehydration and muscle cramps because they help replenish both fluid and electrolytes lost in sweat without over-drinking. Taking part in recreational or competitive sports at a young age helps develop skills, confidence, good health, and fitness.

4) A healthy meal plan for young athletes should include: Enough food energy for exercise and growth. Lots of carbohydrate choices, such as grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, milk, yogurt, sport drinks/bars/gels. Enough protein for growth and to build and repair body tissues. Protein comes from: meats, fish, poultry, eggs, milk products, legumes, nuts, nut butters and seeds. Moderate to low-fat choices so calories are available from carbohydrates and lean proteins. Enough fluid for the body’s needs and to prevent overheating. Variety to provide all vitamins and minerals. Frequent meals and snacks to make sure they get enough energy.

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