24 Results for year: 2013
to KWST swimmers who attended the WOSA Sting Meet (LC) on June 8-9,
2013 in London at the UWO swim pool.
The first time Western Ontario Regional Qualifiers
Ameen Jaberi (8)
200 Free - 3:39.25 (for 11 years)
50 Fly - 59.41 (for 10 years)
Martin Todev (10)
100 Fly - 1:48.46 (for 12 years)
200 Breast - 4:12.08
Vladislav Zagidulin ...
to Ben Astrachan (10), Adrianna Medinilla (13), Eleonora Pierre (12), Martin Todev (10), Tevone Zoysa (13) for competing at the Swim Ontario Summer Festival
2013 in Toronto (June 1-2,
2013), SC.
Everyone who participated have improved their time and showed excellent results.
Ben Astrachan (10)
100 Back - 1.29.92 - Festival Standard...
2013 GHAC Stratten and Bond Long Cource Invitation in Hamilton, ON - a job well done by the KWST swimmers that competed in Hamilton this weekend.
Congratulations to
Martin Todev (10)
100 Back - 1:29.42 - SO Fest Standards
Alexandra Rutecka (12)
200 Back - 3:13.26 - WOSA Standards for 13 years old
Past weekend a VERY SUCCESSFUL KWST perfomance at the Hollandia Spring Invitational Swim Meet in London (May 10-12,
CONGRATULATIONS to first time Western Regional Qualifier, Alexandra Rutecka and first time Provincial Festival Qualifiers, Martin Todev
WOSA (LC) Standards 2012-2016
Alexandra Rutecka (12) - 200 Back - ...
Congratulations to KWST swimmers for winning TROPHIES at the ST. Clair Erie Aquatic League (SEAL) Championships
Adrianna Medinilla (13) - 1st place in 14&over age category!
100 IM - 1:17.98
100 Breast - 1:34.04
100 Free - 1:08.16
200 Free - 2:28.91
200 IM - 2:45.48 - Age Group ...
Swim Ontario Festival Standards
2013 (SC)
Adrianna Medinilla (13) - 100 Back - 1:13.80
Ben Astrachan (10) - 100 IM - 1:32.03
Congratulations to everyone who attended our first long course meet of this season. KWST swimmers have shown excellent results.
Ben Astrachan (10) - 100 Back - Swim Ontario Fest Standards
200 IM - pre-req Swim ON Fest Standards for 11 years old
Ameen Jaberi (8) - 100 Breast - first time WOSA time ...
Congratulation to Trevone Zoysa (12)
for placing third and showing Swim Ontario Festival Time Standards for 13 age group category on 100 Breast (1:21.06).
Great job!
Congratulation to Ben Astrachan (10) for improving his time on 200 Backstroke (3:14.97).
Congratulation to Tervone Zoysa (12) who showed another qualifying time for the Winter Festival at the SWA Winter Invitational in Tillsonburg last weekend (Feb. 8-10,
200 IM - 2:42.33
Good job Trevone!
Congratulations to all Killer Whale Swim Team swimmers for their performances this past weekend at Aylmer SEAL Swim Meet (Feb. 10th,
2013) .
Killer Whale swim Team swimmers won 43 prizes!
First places:
Ben Astrachan (50 Breast)
Mateo Interiano (25 Back)
Ameen Jaberi (25 Fly, 25 Breast, 25 Free)
Andre Mangul (100 IM, 25 Breast, 50 Free)
Paige Norman ...