2 Results for month: 04/2017

Spring Turbo Charge Swim Meet in Waterloo, April 21-23,2017, LC

Past weekend KWST swimmers had a good performance at the Spring Turbo Charge Swim Meet in Waterloo, LC (April 21-23.2017). Killer Whales won 31 awards including 10 Gold, 4 Silver and 10 Bronze medals. Congratulation Adel Jaberi (9) and Martin Todev (14) -  all events are GOLD! Also, CONGRATULATION Martin Todev  - first time Swim Canada Standards Time ... More

7th Annual Pentathlon (LC) in London

Killer Whale Swim Team swimmers had a great start of the Long Course Swim season in London ON at the 7th Annual Pentathlon 2016. KWST swimmers got one individual trophies and 28 awards! Congratulation to Martin Todev (14)! He won the High Point Trophies with the highest score in their age classification and showed Swim Ontario Provincial time standards ... More